Psychosocial Responses
There are five or six pathological responses in social behavior, which I now present as metaphors, for those who are the Scribes of the day, applied in the time of Christ, which is still applicable for today's mind-set.
The same patterns occur over and over again, in every time and age.
The Sadducee -
One uses oneâ™s own self-made sophistication, to weed out error and superstition from "what really matters." Often they use violent behavior in dealing with those who disagree with them, forcibly (either with physical or verbal violence) reacting to the "superstitious, or religious." It is pathological in that the person who is a modernist, i.e. a âœSadducee" derives their sense of identity from mocking the crowd and being "too smart" for whatever is the traditional approach.Scribes -
One who takes a legalistic approach with overwhelming rules, and regulations? (Used to belittle, and judge others). They pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin and omit the weightier matters of the law: fairness, mercy and faith. (Matthew 23:23). It is pathological in that it derives a sense of identity from condemning others for failing to meet irrational legalisms (straining at gnats and swallowing camels).There is a sense of entitlement that comes purely from the modern scribe having embraced the fad or values of the past and a demand for respect, and honor based purely on having embraced (with a great deal of legalism) a past fad.
Note: Often a discord becomes a conflict when there are scribes on one side and Sadducees, which is often needed to validate the Sadducee.
The true Zealot is marked by feeling that every disagreement or conflict can and should be solved by force. Generally, by force first and other, slower, methods second. Zealots are often addicted to the adrenaline high that their actions promote and they enjoy violence.This pathology is found in every group from the extreme right to the extreme left and every place in between. From street crime and purse snatching to military adventuresome, it is the entitlement to results because of the possession of physical force that marks a zealot. Many groups will have zealots forming a significant section of their members. They are brute beasts.
These people who live in worldly realm, seeking its pleasures without sufficient limits, and are often victimized or exploited by others (slaves). This behavior becomes pathological when it focuses on instant gratification without regard to externalities give me, and give me now. The mother selling her baby's food for cocaine is an excellent example.'But I need it' is a good by-line for this group. Often individuals with one of the other pathologies will insist that they have the right to harm, exploit or abuse a member of this group because of the membership in this group ' I have the right because I am strongest'. 'The Pack' mentality.
These are those who instead of attempting to assimilate or cooperate with others, seek only to assimilate things. In the most common form, the pattern is pathological in that money is seen has having rights over people and in imbuing one with rights (e.g. "it is only a little girl" he said, as he drove over a child in the road, "and this is such a big car").Whenever you see, hear or grasp the logic "I'm entitled to do this to xyz group because I have or will make money" you have met a publican in action.
Note: If you see zealots as pathological aggressive negotiators and publicans as pathological cooperatives, you've caught a good grasp of the publican problem.
The Essences is opposed to its own existence can be used to typify those who run away as a conflict resolution strategy. Survivalists and utopian collectives (for the right and the left) catch this minor group well. Generally the problems erupt when the group is unable to truly run away (e.g. the Montana Freemen -- any where they went they still had to pay taxes, etc.). Most groups will contain a number of Essences.The real point of having a "Essences." group is to point out that while there are major pathologies that turn up over and over and over again, there are also many that do not fit inside the box or in the groups. Unlike the negotiation styles, social pathologies are much more likely to spread beyond the five major classifications.
Social pathologies - include group distortions of the basic coping mechanisms, expressed in types of negotiating.The Rev.
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